Activity and News

Activity and News
UT School Graduation Academic Year 2017/2018 Regular Mechanic Batch 20 and Construction Batch 1

wisuda batch 20

  On Wednesday, February 14, 2018, held at the Grand Ballroom of PT United Tractors, jl. Raya Bekasi km.22 East Jakarta, UT School has successfully held the graduation ceremony for the umpteenth time for the graduates of Regular Mechanical students of the 20th and Reguler 1st Generation. At the event, UT School officially graduated as many as 129 graduates for the Heavy Equipment Mechanics study program and 22 graduates for the Construction Power program.

  Since its founding in 2008 and in its approximate 10 year period, UT School has graduated its students 20 times. Beginning in 2009 until now UT School has graduated as many as 9529 students (Regular Program & Non-Regular Program) with the majority of alumni absorbed into the leading companies of heavy equipment users, whether located in the mining, construction, agro, transportation and others .

  In his speech, Mr. Teguh Setiono, as UT School Director, said that UT School will develop its learning media by utilizing virtual reality (VR) technology that is currently developing. He hopes with this VR media, can create an interesting learning atmosphere for students and facilitate the instructor in explaining a material, so that the learning process can take place evectively.

  Meanwhile, Mr. Edhie Sarwono, as the Board of Trustees of Yayasan Karya Bakti United Tractors in his speech, he conveyed to all graduates to be a tough young generation and full of spirit in innovating. In addition to giving appreciation for the achievements that have been achieved so far, he also reminded all graduates that graduation should not be the main goal, because the real challenge facing UT School alumni has been waiting after they moved from this graduation ceremony.